Contributing Professionals

Contributing Professionals

Photo of Prebiotin Science Writer, Gabriele Amersbach

Gabriele Amersbach

Prebiotin Science Writer

Gabriele Amersbach has been writing on health and science topics for more than 30 years.  She has worked in health and university settings as senior writer and editor and has held positions in corporate settings as communications director and communication strategist.

For Prebiotin, she has helped to write blogs, press releases, and marketing documents.

Gabriele explains, “My goal is always to present science in an accurate, concise manner that engages and informs the general audience.”

Gabriele continues to provide consulting services relevant to the science of prebiotics for

Photo of Assistant to the CEO and Webmaster, Jody Patterson

Jody Patterson

Assistant to the CEO, Webmaster

While working with Jackson GI Medical’s CEO, Ron Walborn, Jr., at his accounting firm, Jody tried Prebiotin and became a devout advocate and was so impressed with the work and science that went into creating the products that she made the leap to working for Jackson GI Medical full-time.

With a background that included Executive Assistant, Full-Charge Bookkeeper, Teacher, IT Technician, Artist and Webmaster, she brought a unique skill set to the company and developed a solid vision of how she felt the company should be represented online.  The site you are viewing is the product of that vision (after much "reining in" by other team members) and it is her hope to continue to refine the site as the company moves forward and grows.

If you have any questions or comments about the website, please feel free to contact Jody at